Friday, September 30, 2011

All Right, Hand Over The Chocolate!

According to, "researchers have found that eating chocolate, the number one food craved by American women, causes the brain to release endorphins, chemicals that make us feel good."  That's all the evidence I need to help me to understand why if you polled every woman you know or ever knew, you would discover that a majority of them have a stash of chocolate somewhere or know someone who does and is willing to share.

For a reasons too many to mention, today was a chocolate day.  With a day-long program development meeting and a service event to follow, the yummy treat that got passed around soon after lunch was met with a collective "sigh" expressed by the men as well as the women around the table.  Soon after I could feel the tension ease and my brain begin to go into hibernate mode as the clock ticked the minutes away.

But, like any good thing, the after effects are not nearly as welcomed as the initial outcome.  After the intitial sense of well being and calm, I am left with this burning desire to sit on the couch with a comfy blanket and a good movie and little else. 

I am sure there is a science behind that as well but for right now, a simple love story will suffice.

So to this Mama says  . . . hand over the chocolate, then give me hug.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

The GNO (Girls Night Out): When Only the Company of a Girlfriend Will Do

As a Mom and as a professional I cross the paths of other women everyday.  We meet in the grocery store, at the office, in the classroom and at the gas station.  But I often find that even with all of this human contact, nothing beats the chance to sit on a comfy couch and hang out with my girlfriends.  Sadly, those moments are few and far between.  Responsibilities of work, home and family (and sometimes just plain exhaustion) often keep us from spending some quality time from the people who really "get" us.

This week, I took the plunge and met two of my favorite girlfriends for lunch.  Now, come on people, I can hear you gasping from here.  Yes, you read it right, not only did I actually have lunch, I shared it with friends.  In the middle of the work week no less!

Just an hour.  But what  a powerful hour it was.  We talked about our kids, our jobs and made plans for the future.  It was invigorating. 

With my batteries recharged, I got into  my car when then that power hour was over and smiled with a new sense of purpose.  Nothing earth shattering - it just felt good to seek the company of my peers.  It satisfied my soul as well as my belly.

To Katie and Judy, Mama says . . . "Thank you. Let's do it again - SOON!"