Friday, January 4, 2013

Resolving to THINK

As this new begins I set aside the idea of a resolving to make changes in my life and, instead, opt to choose the next path to take on this adventure we call "life".  So with every January 1st, I search for the mantra or one-liner that will guide what I what I hope will be a positive reason to get up every morning and give meaning to being alive. 
Two year's ago I embarked on a Resolution Revolution and last year, well, I just skipped last year for more reasons than I can care to mention here.
But this year. Well, this year is different.  This year I found a spectacular mantra that I can live by day in and day out. Hopefully, without having to think about it much as the year progresses.  It's called THINK.  That's it - THINK. 
Yes, it's an acronym for:
Here's the thing, I didn't think of it. (No pun intended.)  I don't know who did. I wish I did. The photo was shared with me by a friend on FaceBook .  Who know's where her source stole it from.  Nevertheless, the writer should be given an award for his or her brilliance.
Could you imagine a world where more than half of the population kept their mouths shut for just a moment and answered these 5 simple questions before uttering a word?  I, for one, cannot imagine what that might look like.  Although I am eager to try.
Here is my pledge for this coming year.  Before engaging, I will stop and THINK.  If I cannot answer these 5 questions in the affirmative, I will table the discussion until I can.  Not a resolution but a promise.  A promise I will endeavor to keep.
That is all.  For today anyway. Happy New Year one and all!

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